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What is script in Quick Zip?
Script is a pre-made file that allow you to define a number of actions, you can later execute the script to automatically run all those actions.
What's the difference of Aks and Akp Script?
Aks is a simple script format. Quick Zip executes aks script line by line, like a batch file.
Akp is a pascal like format,
Aks Script:
How to put date in archive name?
OPEN "c:\temp\XYZ_ %DATE% .ZIP"
ADD "c:\file1.ext"
ADD "C:\dir2\*.*"
How to use mass rename?
RenameFileList, CopyFileList and BatchZipFileList
Akp Script:
How to convert an archive?
How to get the parameter list when using script context menu?
All parameter is store in a Tstrings object called Param
e.g. Param.strings[0] <== first parameter.
How to know if the parameter is a directory or not?
function isDirectory(p : string);
    result := pos('*',p); //directory always include '*'